HP BODYEVOLUTION CATEGORIES The Body Evolution men's categories will be regulated by the following table:Height cm permitted weight up to 155 cm + 1.5 kg up to 160 cm + 2.0 kg up to 165 cm + 2.5 kg up to 170 cm + 3.0 kg up to 175 cm + 4.0 kg up to 180 cm + 5.5 kg up to 185 cm + 6.5 kg up to 190 cm + 8.0 kg up to 195 cm + 9.5 kg The athletes ordered according to the previous scheme will be divided into the three categories listed here:Hp up to 175 cmHp up to 176 cmSWIMSUITThe athletes must wear a posing costume that enhances their physique and that respects the rules regarding the style, colour and material of the costume itself. G-strings are not permitted. The costume must cover all private parts, including the buttocks, and must in any case respect good taste. The use of costumes that the organizer and/or the head judge consider to be in bad taste and/or offensive will not be permitted. TANNING ATTENTION: any form of coloring is prohibited inside the theater and throughout the competition area! In this and all the Categories of the Due Torri Trophy, the use of husk is absolutely prohibited, only dyes that do not feel wet to the touch! The Due Torri Trophy has a certified tanning service on site, available to all athletes. FIRST ROUND The first round of the Competition is made up of presentation line-ups and comparisons. The judging guidelines for the category are summarized in the following parameters: Structure and Symmetry: a) The general skeletal structure of the athlete; b) The proportion between height and length of the limbs; c) The ratio between the width of the shoulders and that of the pelvis; d) Thin and proportionate joints; e) General symmetry between the upper and lower part and between the two sides of the body;f) Proportion between the development of the different muscle groups;g) Absence of paramorphisms (hyperlordosis, hyperkyphosis, etc.) Definition:a) Low fat content, remaining within natural parameters;b) Absence of water retention;c) Separation and muscle details; Proportion: proportion between torso and legs and the proportion between the various muscle districts. In particular, in the judging of the Height/Weight categories, greater emphasis will be given to the characteristics of definition and symmetry than that of the volumes of muscle mass. The final judgment of these 3 parameters accounts for 80% of the final result. Athletes will be evaluated based on relaxed and muscular poses. List of mandatory relaxed poses:a) Relaxed front with legs together and heels on the ground;b) Relaxed right side with heels on the ground;c) Relaxed left side with heels on the ground;d) Relaxed back with legs together and heels on the ground. List of mandatory muscle poses:e) Front double biceps;f) Front lats;g) Side triceps (can be requested on both sides);h) Chest expansion (can be requested on both sides);i) Back double biceps;j) Back lats;k) Front abdominals and legs.SECOND ROUND - FREE ROUTINEOnly the five finalists of each Category will access the routine.The routine of the male categories has a maximum duration of 60 seconds for each athlete.The musical base must be delivered in the form of a single MP3 file, on CD or USB stick. Delivery must take place the day before the competition, directly upon registration.The costume is free in color and shape, as long as it respects the canons of decency.AWARDSThe judges will select the five finalists of each category, as per the rules.The first place of each category will participate in the overall (Overall Evolution).
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